about us
We are EBG Investment Solutions Ltd, “EBG” for short. We offer professional investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, benefit plans, faith-based institutions, foundations and family offices global access to the highest-qualified specialist investment managers.
We aim to meaningfully diversify our clients’ portfolios with sustainable alternative investments that generate solid market returns while making them more resilient.
Careful and comprehensive due diligence is our key for unlocking value – it is the core of effective risk management and for actively tapping additional sources of return. As independent advisors and asset managers, we find interesting investment opportunities especially within the SME (small and medium-sized enterprise) segment.
about us
The private market has grown enormously in importance in recent years, represents a large share of the economy around the world and holds many exciting investment opportunities. Investors can generate substantial returns by creating value for privately held companies that prefer accessing capital in the private market rather than higher cost and more burdensome public markets. SMEs offer investors particularly attractive exposure to growing and diversifying opportunities that cannot be found in the public markets.
Our specialists have many years of experience in sourcing and assessing sustainable investments in the private market. EBG is well networked worldwide and also very well anchored regionally. This enables us to create transparency and an overview for our clients in an increasingly complex and dynamic market. This allows us to identify and tap into investment opportunities that many investment advisors and investors are not aware of.
about us
At the heart of our comprehensive risk management is the quality of the fund manager’s investment team and business model, as well as the careful diversification of the client’s alternative investment portfolio, which also includes prospective strategic opportunities and risks. We comprehensively examine the former as part of the manager selection process by means of rigorous and deep, multi-stage due diligence. It is important for us to spend time with numerous members of the investment team in dedicated and challenging on-site interviews – even after a commitment has been made. Our experience shows that targeted diversification through sustainable private market investments can make a client’s overall portfolio more resilient and lower risk. Overall, our investment solutions have a moderate risk profile.
Although private market investments are sometimes assumed to be opaque, EBG creates transparency for clients – from sourcing to monitoring, down to the level of the individual asset within each fund. All our investment processes are documented in detail and accessible to investors, which also reduces liability and reputational risks. Individualized quarterly reporting provides deep insight into the development of the portfolio and its investments over the entire term.
about us
A solution tailored to each client’s needs enables them to avoid building up additional capital-intensive and often rigid capacity. We also facilitate more rapid and effective implementation by leveraging our many years of global sustainable investment and in-depth ESG integration experience. The market has shifted from being a sellers’ market more recently, driven by increasing demand, where we provided access to exclusive private market investments despite material competition, to a buyers’ market characterized by disruption. In all parts of the cycle, our insight, coupled with efficient processes, are crucial to opening up and evaluating attractive opportunities.
We conduct all the activities connected to the investment process, including in-depth due diligence, ongoing monitoring and quarterly reporting, as well as periodic administrative and regulatory tasks that may arise. Flexible asset pooling of several clients allows us to achieve synergies and reduce costs. Our distinctive client-centric philosophy and approach to comprehensively integrate sustainability as a value driver differentiate us from large financial institutions and investment generalists.
about us
For EBG, sustainable alternative investments are a holistic investment style with high-quality standards, not a trend. From the very beginning of our business activities in 2008, we have been convinced that profitable growth and future success are largely based on forward-looking strategy and responsible management. For this reason, the far-reaching integration of key sustainability/ESG factors has long been a matter of course for us.
At the same time, we believe that developing and implementing optimal investment solutions must be highly client-specific to meet their unique needs and preferences. This is why we work exclusively on the buy side as a partner to our clients and develop customized investment solutions that can be smoothly integrated into an existing portfolio or complement it in a targeted manner. Similarly, we also individually adapt our processes, interfaces and formats to the needs of each of our clients. Our approach has nothing to do with sacrificing returns; to the contrary, we believe it enhances returns. It is also deeply authentic, which differentiates us.
In our experience, sustainable private market investments can generate stable returns that correlate only to a limited extent with traditional investments.
In addition, we have demonstrated that innovative products and services, as well as new and sometimes disruptive business models that exploit important environmental or social challenges as opportunities, are characterized by above-average growth and attractive margins. Further, systematically integrating sustainability factors into the investment process is consistent with the fiduciary duty of institutional investors – and will increasingly be a regulatory requirement in the future.
Megatrends such as climate change, population growth, emerging consumers, urbanization, resource scarcity and biodiversity loss call for new economic strategies. We invest through private market assets where companies achieve and benefit from significant positive environmental and/or social impact.
We help our clients promote responsible growth and management as well as sustainable development of society and the environment through alternative investments that generate attractive financial returns. We do so by providing independent advice based upon deep understanding of sustainable investing built over decades of experience and a wide network of relationships around the world.
While sustainable private market investments are attractive for many investors, they are also much more challenging to invest in than the public markets. We leverage independence and expertise to develop custom, transparent investment concepts for institutional investors such as pension funds and other benefit plans, insurance companies, churches and family offices.
Thanks to our long experience and supported by a global network carefully built up over more than a decade we have access to outstanding investment opportunities, including those that are little-known. As a result, we can develop broad-based and global private market portfolios that minimize our clients’ risks and generate solid returns by applying a range of diversification criteria.
Latest news from EBG
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